HomeVolunteer Weekend MYG Befriender

Weekend MYG Befriender

About the Activity

MINDS MYG’s direct services comprise of project groups that provide weekly three-hour social, recreational and training activities for approximately 200 beneficiaries on either Saturdays or Sundays. Each project group serves beneficiaries of different age groups and functions, ranging from children to adults and from low support needs to high support needs.

Weekend MYG Befriender

Key Responsibilities :
Available on weekends and want to spend time to befriend our clients? Join us at MYG (previously MINDS Youth Group) now!

Volunteers are required to:
  1. Befriend and engage trainees in activities
  2. Ensure safety of trainees
  3. Logistic support (help to pack and clean up before and after event)
  4. Join occasional events and outings with trainees

What an MYG project consists of:
  1. Warm up dance: There are a set series of dances where our trainees have learnt over the years! Volunteers will learn and join them in the dances
  2. Curriculum Development Training (CDT): Through sports and games, volunteers will engage trainees to pick up social skills and task mastery
  3. Physical and Recreational Training (PRT): These activities encourage trainees to exercise on a regular basis and hone their motor skills.
  4. Tea Break: Volunteers and trainees will enjoy simple snacks together and chit chat, simulating conversations in the community
3 hours between 2.00pm to 5.00pm
Weekly, Saturdays
Minimum Length of Service:
At least 3 months
Minimum 18 years old
Basic Knowledge Training Group (BKTG) Project + Guillemard (Guilly) Project
11 Jalan Ubi, Blk 3, #01-21, S409074 Kembangan-Chai Chee Community Hub

East Point (EP) Project
1B Lengkong Lima, Singapore 417557

Fernvale Project
7 Fernvale Road, Singapore 797635

Reach Out (RO) Project
800 Margaret Drive, Singapore 149311

Terrahope (TH) Project
7 Lorong Napiri, S547533

WestEnd (WE) Project
30 Woodlands Ring Road, #01-01, Singapore 737883

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NOTICE OF THE 59TH ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF MINDS: NOTICE is hereby given that the 59th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Movement for the Intellectually Disabled of Singapore (MINDS) will be held by way of electronic means as follows: Date: Saturday , 18 September 2020 Time: 9:30am (Registration starts at 8:30am) Venue: Online via ZOOM MINDS members will be receiving an email on the notice of AGM and are strongly encouraged to register your attendance to facilitate the verification process on the day of the AGM. For enquiries regardingthe AGM, members may email to agm@minds.org.sg or call 849607358