Hi Job Banner
Empowering individuals through providing fulfilling employment opportunities
Enable their employment journey & success by focusing on their abilities
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Transforming passion into purpose and profession
Tap onto their potential & strengths and tear down the barriers towards inclusive integration
OE Banner
A rewarding career journey beckons
Explore their abilities & capabilities than honing on their disabilities
Hi-Job! – Job Placement / Job Support Programme
MINDS boasts a team of experienced job coaches to match aspirations and capability to suitable employment opportunities to secure successful employment for adults with special needs. Working alongside Allied Health Professionals and industry partners, these individuals are given a specialised on-the-job training redesigned to their needs.

How It Works

Step 1: Profiling

We develop a deep sense of understanding of our clients’ strengths, interests, open employment suitability, job readiness, and learning needs through our profiling.

Step 2: Matching

We match them to suitable jobs based on their capabilities and interests.

Step 3: Trialling

We assess the client’s suitability for the job by providing a trial of up to 6 hours.

Step 4: Placement & Support

We journey with them every step of the way even after a job placement; a team of dedicated job coaches and Allied Health Professionals (AHPs) provides a year of job support to clients who have secured job placements to ensure successful job retention.

Locate & Contact Us

20 Lengkok Bahru
Block “Nest”, Enabling Village
Singapore 159053
(Kindly approach the Reception Counter on Level 1 for assistance.)
Office Info
For adults with special needs and industry partners who are interested to enrol in this programme, please contact us to indicate your interest.
NOTICE OF THE 59TH ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF MINDS: NOTICE is hereby given that the 59th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Movement for the Intellectually Disabled of Singapore (MINDS) will be held by way of electronic means as follows: Date: Saturday , 18 September 2020 Time: 9:30am (Registration starts at 8:30am) Venue: Online via ZOOM MINDS members will be receiving an email on the notice of AGM and are strongly encouraged to register your attendance to facilitate the verification process on the day of the AGM. For enquiries regardingthe AGM, members may email to agm@minds.org.sg or call 849607358