The key to living is in giving


What We do

Every bit counts.

Donors are key enablers in the Movement of empowering persons with intellectual disability.

We at MINDS believe that the amount of a contribution does not signify the extent of the impact on the intellectually disabled community. We see to the health and well-being of our clients and offer respite to their caregivers. We continually upgrade our teams and services so they are well-equipped to better support our clients and their families. We also educate the public on what intellectual disabilities are and what it means to be inclusive.

Be a part of the Movement in supporting, empowering and advocating for persons with intellectual disabilities.

Your contribution keeps us going.

Thank you for supporting our people, our work, and our mission.

Colour Socks Parade 2024

MINDS’ signature fundraising campaign – Colour Socks Parade (CSP) is back from 1st April to 30th June 2024! Themed “Inspiring Creativity, Celebrating Inclusivity”, the campaign will kick off with the one-day Inclusive Arts Festival (IAF) and “Sponsor a Tile” initiative on 6th April, followed by the continuation of “Sponsor a Tile” at a pop-up booth around Singapore till end of June.

  • Donate $25 to receive a coupon to join in the activity at Inclusive Arts Festival on 6th April at National Library. Activity slots are limited and on a first-come-first-served basis
  • Donate $50 to support the “Paint a Tile” initiative during IAF or post-festival till end of June

All proceeds go towards MINDS’ services and programmes to support Persons with Intellectual Disability (PWIDs) across their lifespan and their families.

The key to living is in giving


Artboard 1-50

What We do

Every bit counts.

Donors are key enablers in the Movement of empowering persons with intellectual disability.

We at MINDS believe that the amount of a contribution does not signify the extent of the impact on the intellectually disabled community. We see to the health and well-being of our clients and offer respite to their caregivers. We continually upgrade our teams and services so they are well-equipped to better support our clients and their families. We also educate the public on what intellectual disabilities are and what it means to be inclusive.

Be a part of the Movement in supporting, empowering and advocating for persons with intellectual disabilities.

Your contribution keeps us going.

Thank you for supporting our people, our work, and our mission.

Give Once

You will be enabling persons with intellectual disabilities to live more independently.
Donate once

Give Monthly

You will be providing sustainable support for our mission of empowering persons with intellectual disabilities.
Donate monthly

Donation Form

Donation Information*

*Indicate N/A if not applicable
*Minimum sum of $10 due to administrative costs.
[Note to donors: All eligible donations will enjoy 250% tax deduction of the donation amount. For automatic inclusion of your donation in your tax assessment, please provide your NRIC/UEN/FIN number in the form. A tax-deductible receipt will not be issued unless specifically requested via email to​].

Personal Information*

Data Privacy Notice

Legacy Giving

Legacy giving enables you to make a lasting impact on the lives of future generations. A planned gift to MINDS will sustain and support our services for persons with intellectual disability throughout their lifespan.

You can pledge your property assets, insurance policy, CPF or cash to:

(UEN: 202235654G)
800 Margaret Drive, Singapore 149310

Please consult a legal advisor for more information on making a charitable bequest.

To find out more, contact us at

Thank you for choosing to donate through PayNow. If you require tax deduction, please insert your NRIC / UEN number in the “UEN/Bill Reference No” field in your PayNow App page. Your donations will be updated to IRAS automatically. If you require a tax deduction receipt, please email

Use iBanking app to scan QR code on this page or PayNow to UEN 202235654GDON

PayNow is supported by these Participating Banks

Bank of China, Citibank, DBS/POSB, HSBC Bank, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited, Maybank, OCBC Bank, Standard Chartered Bank & United Overseas Bank Limited

Please make cheque payable to “MINDSG Ltd”, fill up the form (“MINDS Donation Form.pdf”) and mail both form and cheque to:

800 Margaret Drive, Singapore 149310

Attention: Donations Department


Legacy giving enables you to make a lasting impact on the lives of future generations. A planned gift to MINDS will sustain and support our services for persons with intellectual disability throughout their lifespan.

You can pledge your property assets, insurance policy, CPF or cash to:

(UEN: 202235654G)
800 Margaret Drive, Singapore 149310

To find out more, contact us at

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Donation Form

*Minimum sum of $10 due to administrative costs.
[Dear donor, you are entitled to a tax-deduction of 2.5 times of your donation amount which will be automatically included in your tax assessment. As such, IRAS requires you to provide your NRIC/FIN/UEN. No physical tax deductible receipt will be issued.]
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Credit Card

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icon of a hand holding a gift

Legacy Giving

NOTICE OF THE 59TH ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF MINDS: NOTICE is hereby given that the 59th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Movement for the Intellectually Disabled of Singapore (MINDS) will be held by way of electronic means as follows: Date: Saturday , 18 September 2020 Time: 9:30am (Registration starts at 8:30am) Venue: Online via ZOOM MINDS members will be receiving an email on the notice of AGM and are strongly encouraged to register your attendance to facilitate the verification process on the day of the AGM. For enquiries regardingthe AGM, members may email to or call 849607358